A quick overview of our services

Who Are We 

Are you an entrepreneur starting a business venture? Or maybe you’ve already found your business but struggle to keep it afloat? Whatever your case might be, our team is here to help! 


Start Up Business Advisors Ltd. is a company that helps entrepreneurs build, organise, and grow their businesses. Our team provides a range of services such as advice, support, and tools to business owners, investors and entrepreneurs in various sectors of the marketplace. We are here to help you achieve the success you aim for. 


#1 – Exit Strategies 

Do you have a plan for selling your business when the time comes? If you’re like most early business founders, you’ve probably not considered this part just yet. That’s okay, but it’s not ideal and with our team’s support, you can easily set yourself up for success and save thousands if not millions in the long run. 


Stephen R. Covey in his book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People invites us to ‘start with the end in mind’. This is exactly what our exit strategy building aims for. You need to know where you’re going in order to get there. Our team of experts will help you understand the sales potential for the future and ensure that when the time comes, you get as much as your business is worth. Not a penny less. 


#2 – Revenue Generation

How well is your business doing revenue-wise? You might be successful already. Maybe you’re struggling slightly and believe there is more to earn for what you’re doing. Either way, there is always space for more – it’s just a matter of perspective and appropriate strategy. 


Through our revenue generation expertise, we are going to help your business flourish without changing your service or product. It’s not about changing the lightbulb, it’s about flipping the switch. Our team of experts will provide you with a thorough analysis of your revenue-ability and work alongside your head office to ensure sales and revenue generation reach a more satisfying height. 


#3 – Webinar Marketing 

How successful is your marketing? Are you getting the clients you aim for? Oftentimes it’s not about the quantity but the quality of clients that makes all the difference. With more low-quality clients you’re exerting resources and time without seeing the results you aim for. It’s time to change the game. 


Our strategy of webinar marketing is a bulletproof approach to getting the clients and investors you need and look for. Your target audience is there, you just have to let them know about your offer. We are so certain about our approach that we won’t charge you anything unless you get results. You gain, we get paid. A win-win. 


#4 – Executive Search 

A business is as good as its people. That’s the trick. Find the right people and your entrepreneurship will blossom. Our executive search services help you reach the kind of individuals you look for, without losing the time on long, often inefficient recruitment. Let our network and expertise save you the hassle. 


#5 – Advisory Services 

Do you have the support you need? More often than not, early entrepreneurs stumble through the difficulties of a business setup without an idea of what to do. It’s a natural process, but it doesn’t have to be the one you go through. Why reinvent the wheel, when you can just get the blueprints from us? 


Our team of experts is here to mentor, advise, or support your team in any way you need us to. Our highly personalised approach based on the idea ‘we aim for the results you want’ provides you with advisory services on the subject of business, leadership, accounting, and more. Just book a free information call and see what we could do for you! 


#6 – Company Formation

About to found a business, but don’t know where to start? Many entrepreneurs don’t have the knowledge necessary for a successful business launch. It’s expected since most of us don’t get to study entrepreneurship until we decide to start up our venture. 


That is why, with the help of our experts, you can headstart your company formation and avoid the popular mistakes of the ‘newcomers’. Let us guide you through the process and scale your business early on! 


#7 – Bookkeeping and Payroll Services 

How well do you know your numbers? If you’re like most people, your knowledge about finance hangs on the strand of personal accounting. Not enough for a business owner. Of course, you can read the right books, get the appropriate courses and educate yourself, but the question is – do you have the time for that? 


Our team offers an all-encompassing approach to accounting, helping you set up the right systems to administrate the finances without spending too much time over the books. We can help you register your business in the UK, understand your tax obligations, and organise your financial tools to do the work for you. 


#8 – Leads Generation 

Do you need more clients? Generating leads can be an arduous and often timely challenge. With the market’s competition and intense distractions online, clients are difficult to find, especially when your marketing strategy isn’t appropriately set. 


Our team can help you find the right ways to generate the leads you need. With extensive experience in social media marketing, we can provide you with the leads generation strategy that hits your targets daily! 


#9 – Social Media Management

How much time do you spend creating online content? Of course, it is important to attract your ideal clients by providing them with an interesting, insightful copy, but spending too much time on it will stop you from tending to more essential parts of your business. 


Our team can provide you with a range of social media management services and quality content that attracts your target audience while saving you the time you need. It’s all about choosing the right strategy. Think how much more could you do when the less revenue-generating activities are left in the hands of our experts…? 


Get In Touch 

So, how do you feel? If you’d like to see whether our services are the right fit for your business, book a free information call, and let’s have a chat. Our goal is to provide you with the right kind of help, so let’s first understand your needs. Whether or not you decide to use our help, it’s for you to decide!